Welcome to the Mystery Shopping Provider's Association (MSPA Asia/Pacific) Online Certification Course and Test.
This certification for mystery shoppers is new to Asia Pacific, though something very similar has been running in Europe and the United States for some years.
This certification will be widely promoted to mystery shopping companies and it should make it easier for qualified mystery shoppers to get work depending on their personal details, availability, the detailed arrangements between the mystery shoppers and the mystery shopping agency, and the mystery shopping projects in your area.
This certification test is the basic qualification MSPA Asia/Pacific currently provides for carrying out mystery shopping in Asia/Pacific. It covers all of the key criteria for understanding mystery shopping and how you can be involved in the industry.
The certification test is in 5 modules or sections. Each module consists of: Introduction text Followed by a test of questions Each module contains a number of questions on a database and the questions selected for your specific test are selected randomly by the system. So if you do take the test more than once or your friend takes the test, you may well find that some of the questions are different.
You will need to score 80% to pass the test. In additional, you can not have a score lower than 50% in any of the modules. You may quit the test at anytime and then follow the instructions in the e-mail you received to log back in. When you login, you will be brought back to the beginning of the section you left off on.
Please note that until you click "save & Exit" on a module page your answers to that section are not saved. Once you have clicked through "Start", you will NOT be able to return to it. Please read all material before continuing on to the questions.
The certification %certification% was achieved successfully! Your unique code is: %uniqueid%". See the PDF document attached to this email.
Thank you very much for your participation. You will be pleased to know that YOU HAVE PASSED – CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!
You will receive your certificate and be entered onto the MSPA Asia/Pacific Certified Shoppers Database within three weeks after we have received your payment.
Good luck in your mystery shopping profession.
Thank you for your participation. We are sorry to have to tell you that you did not pass the test!
However, you can re-take it in 6 weeks time. We hope that you do so…