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Sharing information about mystery shopping is a common practice, particularly about which companies work for which clients and the Code of Ethics allows this sharing. Single choice1Answers
Contacting a client without the approval of the mystery shopping agency is clearly a violation of the Code of Ethics. Single choice1Answers
If you accept an assignment from an agency and find out that the client you will shop is your mother-in-law´s employer, the Code of Ethics requires that you notify the mystery shopping company immediately to let them know and to get further directions.Single choice1Answers
Your best friend has been trying to get into mystery shopping for a long time and has finally landed her first assignment. When she completes her shop she calls you because of questions about the forms. According the Code of Ethics should you:Single choice1Answers
The Code of Ethics stipulates that all mystery shopping results should be thrown away immediately after the shopping to ensure confidentiality.Single choice1Answers
The results of a particular shop should never be shared with ANYONE other than the mystery shopping agency that contracted you. Single choice1Answers
The Code of Ethics discourages you from sharing information with anyone about mystery shopping fees and all other details, and from reviewing and participating in Internet boards sharing information about mystery shopping agencies, clients, projects etc. Single choice1Answers
You shopped a local restaurant yesterday. The service wasn´t very good. A good friend calls you and tells you she and her husband are celebrating their anniversary at this restaurant tonight. According to the Code of Ethics you should:Single choice1Answers
According to the Code of Ethics, when you have been awarded a mystery shopping assignment and cannot complete it for any reason, you agree to give immediate notice to the mystery shopping agency.Single choice1Answers
If the Code of Ethics is violated, it is possible to lose any and all certifications you have acquired through the MSPA. Single choice1Answers
You are free to talk about shops and photocopy or email shops to family and friends, particularly those who are interested in mystery shopping. Single choice1Answers
Shopping questionnaires, forms and guidelines are a critical part of the mystery shopping process. They are so important, that the Code of Ethics requires all shoppers to read thoroughly and understand each question and all guidelines prior to performing a mystery shop. Single choice1Answers

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