22.12.2024 21:37h
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It may be possible to find out via the internet which companies work with which clients. Therefore, when you have a question about a shop, the Internet is a great place to find your answers. Single choice1Answers
Mystery shopping agencies will think you are unsuitable for future assignments if you ask questions about an assignment prior to conducting it. After all, they´ve given you guidelines.Single choice1Answers
It would be a great idea to use the information you received from doing a mystery shop to secure a definite job with the client company. After all you have a lot of inside information on how well they work.Single choice1Answers
Planning my day when doing mystery shopping assignments is not important since I don’t know how any of them will go.Single choice1Answers
Most mystery shopping questions on evaluations are similar, so familiarizing yourself with them is not always necessary before entering the shop, particularly if it is a shop you´ve completed in the past.Single choice1Answers
Most mystery shopping agencies want you to sign a confidentiality agreement before you conduct a mystery shop.Single choice1Answers
You accept a mystery shop for a restaurant you have already checked a year ago. So you need not wasting your time with reading the guidelines. Single choice1Answers
If you do not understand something in the guidelines, please do not contact your mystery shopping agency. They maybe think you are not able to handle this job!Single choice1Answers
If you do not have time to do a particular mystery shop it is better to accept the assignment because otherwise it is possible that the mystery shopping agency will not call you any more. The best solution would be to ask a friend or relative to help you. Single choice1Answers
It is always necessary, to read the guidelines, because they may change from month to month, or since you last completed this particular assignment.Single choice1Answers
You accept a mystery shop for a gas station you have already checked one year ago. Nevertheless reading the guidelines is very important because things might have changed. Single choice1Answers
You cannot understand something in the guidelines for an assignment. What do you do? Single choice1Answers
You have accepted a mystery shopping assignment and today is the last day for the job to be completed but a friend surprises you with a visit. What do you do? Single choice1Answers
It is very important to fill in the questionnaire directly after the mystery shopping visit otherwise important information may get lost or you may confuse several different mystery shops.Single choice1Answers

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