Welcome to the Mystery Shopping Provider's Association (MSPA Asia/Pacific) Online Certification Course and Test. This certification for mystery shoppers is new to Asia/Pacific, though something very similar has been running in Europe and the United States for some years. This certification will be widely promoted to mystery shopping companies and it should make it easier for qualified mystery shoppers to get work depending on their personal details, availability, the detailed arrangements between the mystery shoppers and the mystery shopping agency, and the mystery shopping projects in your area.
This certification test is the basic qualification MSPA Asia/Pacific currently provides for carrying out mystery shopping in Europe. It covers all of the key criteria for understanding mystery shopping and how you can be involved in the industry.
The certification test is in 6 modules or sections. Each section consists of: Introduction text Followed by a test of questions Each module contains a number of questions on a database and the questions selected for your specific test are selected randomly by the system. So if you do take the test more than once or your friend takes the test, you may well find that some of the questions are different.
You will need to score 80% to pass the test. In additional, you can not have a score lower than 50% in any of the modules. You may quit the test at anytime and then follow the instructions in the e-mail you received to log back in. When you login, you will be brought back to the beginning of the section you left off on.
Please note that until you click "save & Exit" on a module page your answers to that section are not saved. Once you have clicked through "Start", you will NOT be able to return to it. Please read all material before continuing on to the questions.
Code of Ethics, the MSPA Code of Professional Standards and Ethics Agreement Why do we have “The MSPA Code of Ethics”? Companies who belong to the MSPA want to ensure that the highest standards and ethics are maintained at every level throughout the industry. All MSPA members have signed The Code of Ethics and expect each other to uphold these standards. Your conduct reflects on everyone as a representative of the mystery shopping industry. By maintaining the highest standards you will be helping to elevate the professionalism and public perception of mystery shopping. Our Code of Ethics helps member companies improve the value and reputation of mystery shopping, which benefits everyone! The MSPA Code of Ethics The Mystery Shopping Providers Association (MSPA) is dedicated to improving service and promoting excellence in the mystery shopping industry. A fundamental aim of the Association is to ensure that the highest standards and ethics are maintained. To improve the value, reputation and stimulate the use of mystery shopping services, it is important that information about mystery shopping services is accurately communicated to both the business community and the public at large, while complying with applicable government laws, regulations and ordinances. MSPA expects members and shoppers to follow our reasonable and expected principles of honesty, professionalism, fairness and confidentiality to guard the interests of the public and our clients, and to promote good business practices. The Mystery Shopping Providers Association's Shopper's Code of Professional Standards is established to ensure that all MSPA certified shoppers conform to the following principles: • To commit to the purposes of the association by improving service and promoting excellence in the mystery shopping industry and by conducting mystery shopping services in an honest and ethical manner; • To conduct mystery shopping services according to industry procedures and regulations set forth and agreed to by MSPA members and according to specific instructions for the particular project. • To instil confidence in mystery shopping and encourage public cooperation • To respect our MSPA members, clients, and the general public. In addition, I agree to the following Rules of Ethical Conduct: • I agree to perform all shops to the best of my ability. • I agree to perform all shops with honesty and integrity. • I agree to submit all reports on or before the deadline. • I agree to conform to all agreed confidentiality agreements. • I agree to give immediate notice to the mystery shopping agency if I cannot perform a shop for any reason. • I agree to return follow up calls or e-mails in a timely manner. • I agree to keep paperwork and notes for at least 60 days or as agreed with the agency in case the client raises questions which can only be answered from the original paperwork. • I will not perform a shop unless I have thoroughly read each question on the questionnaire and the guidelines provided by the mystery shopping agency. • I will not falsify or misrepresent reports in any way. • I will not ask or encourage anyone to break confidentiality agreements with other firms for whom they conduct mystery shopping assignments. • I will not use any MSPA media to publish complaints against vendors, clients, shoppers or mystery shopping agencies. • I will not share information with others on which company shops or which clients I work with. • I will not share information with others on shopping fees and reimbursements for specific clients. • I will not share or show the results of a shop with others. • I will not give any of my assignments to another shopper to complete without asking and gaining the permission of the mystery shopping agency. • I will not perform any shops under the influence of illegal drugs, or prescription drugs that might impair my abilities. • I agree not to become inebriated or drink beyond the legal limits set forth in my state or country or perform any other activity that may cause harm to myself or others while mystery shopping. • I will not contact a client directly without written approval of the mystery shopping agency. • I will not disrupt the normal business flow of an operation while in the process of performing a mystery shop. • I never announce myself as a mystery shopper to the organisation or business being mystery shopped unless given specific instructions by the mystery shopping agency. If, after a thorough investigation, MSPA Asia/Pacific finds a certified shopper to be in violation of any of our Rules of Conduct, certification in our Association may be withdrawn, and the fact of your termination may be published at MSPA Asia/Pacific’s discretion. Should a complaint be filed against you by an MSPA Asia/Pacific member or anyone else, you will be contacted and given the opportunity to respond to the complaint before a decision is made on any disciplinary action. If disciplinary action is to taken you will be told first but there will be no opportunity for any further review of the decision or the action deemed necessary by MSPA Asia/Pacific. You will of course have recourse to the law as it is practiced in your country. By signing below, I indicate that I have read, understood, and agreed to follow the principles of honesty, professionalism, fairness, and confidentiality that are outlined in this agreement. I further understand that not conforming to this agreement may result in termination of my MSPA Asia/Pacific certification.